The first mistletoes: Origins of aerial parasitism in Santalales
R. Vidal-Russel and D. L. Nickrent
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (2008) 47:523-537. (journal weblink here; pdf in Atropos)
The authors confirmed the five origins of aerial parasitism in Santalales using nr SSU, LSU, ch rbcL, matK, trnL-F from 39 taxa. The ages of those clades were estimated. The authors also proposed how the root parasites 'move up' to the trunk during the Oligocene. Interesting paper.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
[Paper] Cornus evolution
Molecular evolution of PISTILLATA-like genes in the dogwood genus Cornus (Cornaceae).
Zhang, W., Q.-Y. Xiang, D.T. Thomas, B.M. Wiegmann, M.W. Frohlich, and D.E. Soltis
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (2008) 47:175-195. (journal weblink here; pdf in Atropos)
The article studied the evolution of PI in Cornus, emphasizing the selection pressure measure (dN/dS) among lineages. Some of the lineages has relatively high dN/dS, i.e. ~1. This is quite unusual in MADS box genes.
This is a project I provided initiative resource, but somehow taken over without further appreciation. I was thanked by the authors anyway. Well, 大家就看看吧.
Molecular evolution of PISTILLATA-like genes in the dogwood genus Cornus (Cornaceae).
Zhang, W., Q.-Y. Xiang, D.T. Thomas, B.M. Wiegmann, M.W. Frohlich, and D.E. Soltis
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (2008) 47:175-195. (journal weblink here; pdf in Atropos)
The article studied the evolution of PI in Cornus, emphasizing the selection pressure measure (dN/dS) among lineages. Some of the lineages has relatively high dN/dS, i.e. ~1. This is quite unusual in MADS box genes.
This is a project I provided initiative resource, but somehow taken over without further appreciation. I was thanked by the authors anyway. Well, 大家就看看吧.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
[Website] Encyclopedia of Life

Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)已於近日正式上線。EOL是一個全新的全球生物多樣性記錄的嚐試,和wikipedia有點像的是,它讓專業或業餘的生物愛好者,可以將所有可用的不同生物資訊都公諸於此,開放給所有大眾。好像跟Tree of Life或Species2000打對台似的,無論如何,都多了一些查資料的管道。
Monday, April 21, 2008
[Special Issue] Plant Genome Horizons
出處: Annals of Botany, 2008, 101 (6)
本期的文章主要是2007年在Kew garden所舉辦的”Plant Genome Horizons-Vistas and Visions”研討會內容集結而成。研討會舉辦的目在於歡送Michael Bennett榮退,而文章為Dr. Bennett及其學生在植物genome研究上的成果。內容包含(1) genome size evolution, (2) reproductive cell biology; (3) higher order genome organisation, and (4) biosystematics.
[Paper] Variation in dispersability among mainland and island populations
出處: Plant Systematic and Evolution 270:243-255 ,2008
作者: B. Fresnillo, B. K. Ehlers
本篇文章探討物種Dispersal的能力, 是否如預期一般, 在島嶼上會比大陸上的族群來得強. 因為在大陸上的族群, dispersal的能力所承受到的selection pressure會小於島嶼族群, 畢竟島嶼有越海的問題要克服, 所以預期中, 島嶼族群通常能擁有較佳的播遷能力. 此實驗選了三個物種 : 柳葉菜科的Epilobium angustifolium & Epilobium hirsutum 以及菊科的Cirsium arvense, 並分別比較這三個speciese的島嶼族群以及大陸族群, 研究地點在日德蘭半島(Jutland) 及其附近三個小島. 實驗得出結果顯示, Epilobium angustifolium & Epilobium hirsutum 的播遷能力如預期的表現 : 島嶼族群的的播遷能力比大陸族群強. 但來自Cirsium arvense 的結果卻顯示了相反情況 (大陸族群播遷能力比島嶼族群強). 關於這點, 作者認為最可能的原因在於Cirsium arvense 在島嶼上所面對的環境壓力, 有可能牽連到播遷能力與種子萌發率的問題, 就是種子如果想要長得好, 那就必須犧牲掉種子的播遷能力. 但實際造成這種情形的原因, 勢必要再做深入研究.
作者: B. Fresnillo, B. K. Ehlers
本篇文章探討物種Dispersal的能力, 是否如預期一般, 在島嶼上會比大陸上的族群來得強. 因為在大陸上的族群, dispersal的能力所承受到的selection pressure會小於島嶼族群, 畢竟島嶼有越海的問題要克服, 所以預期中, 島嶼族群通常能擁有較佳的播遷能力. 此實驗選了三個物種 : 柳葉菜科的Epilobium angustifolium & Epilobium hirsutum 以及菊科的Cirsium arvense, 並分別比較這三個speciese的島嶼族群以及大陸族群, 研究地點在日德蘭半島(Jutland) 及其附近三個小島. 實驗得出結果顯示, Epilobium angustifolium & Epilobium hirsutum 的播遷能力如預期的表現 : 島嶼族群的的播遷能力比大陸族群強. 但來自Cirsium arvense 的結果卻顯示了相反情況 (大陸族群播遷能力比島嶼族群強). 關於這點, 作者認為最可能的原因在於Cirsium arvense 在島嶼上所面對的環境壓力, 有可能牽連到播遷能力與種子萌發率的問題, 就是種子如果想要長得好, 那就必須犧牲掉種子的播遷能力. 但實際造成這種情形的原因, 勢必要再做深入研究.
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