Monday, November 15, 2010
[Review] Using proteomics to study sexual reproduction in angiosperms
Sunday, November 14, 2010
[Review] Adaptation genomics: the next generation
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
[Paper] Mutational dynamics and phylogenetic utility of noncoding chloroplast DNA
Source: Plant Systematics and Evolution (2009) 282:169-199.
The authors studied the mutational dynamics of introns and spacers in plastid genomes. They reviewed some of the well-known markers and the argued the usage of them for phylogenetic analysis. The bottom line is that the structural information is needed to be incorporated.
Also, they put up an erratum in PSE 2010 284:129. There are some mislabeling in Figure 1.
[Paper] Universal primer for chloroplast trnK/matK
Authors: Susann Wicke & Dietmar Quandt
Source: Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid (2009) 66:285-288.
I ran across this small paper talking about new primers for PCR of chloroplast trnK/matK of all land plants. They claimed these work for various land plants. Just try for yourself if you like.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
[Paper] An Atlas of Type I MADS Box Gene Expression during Female Gametophyte and Seed Development in Arabidopsis
Source: Plant Physiology (2010) 154:287-300.
Type I的MADS-box基因研究的人比較少,在阿拉伯芥中有61個copies,但是除了PHERES1, AGL80, DIANA, AGL62, AGL23之外,幾乎沒有什麼報導。主要的原因在於大部份T-DNA insertion的mutant沒有什麼phenotype。作者利用系統性的gene expression研究,顯示這些基因大多表現於female gametophyte和早期的seed development。相對於MIKCc-MADS genes,是蠻有意思的比較,也許和世代交替的改變有關連。
[Paper] Computational morphodyamics: a modeling framework to understand plant growth
Source: Annu. Rev. Plant Biology (2010) 61:65
這是一篇有關電腦模擬植物生長模式的review,作者們舉了很多的例子,說明目前modeling的應用性。Computer modeling在近幾年應用在植物生長,自細胞、個體、以至群聚模型上都有很大的進展。在不同參數的選擇下,可以模擬出各種發育的狀況。有興趣的人可以參考如CellModeller,OpenAlea等的網站,體驗一下這些新的工具。
[Paper] Land plant life cycle
Journal: New Phytologist (2010) 185:27
A paper summarized the evolution of life cycle in land plants. 雖然是一篇review,但是在分子證據的解讀上,有一些錯誤,讀的時候要小心。
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
[Paper] Cryptic dioecy in Mussaenda pubescens (Rubiaceae): a species with stigma-height dimorphism
作者:Ai-Min Li, Xiao-Qin Wu, Dian-Xiang Zhang, and Spencer C. H. Barrett
出處: Annals of Botany (出版時間尚未確定)
具有distyly特徵的玉葉金花,是不是一種隱性的雌雄異株(cryptic dioecy)?本篇文章結果顯示,具有長花柱型者花粉為無性,而短花柱型則不會結實,這代表了兩種花柱型的個體分別具有雌雄的功能。長花柱大孢子與雌配子體可正常發育,而花藥中的tepetal cell會提早瓦解,而導致雄不孕。相反地,短花柱中的小孢子及雄配子體發育正常,而大孢子及雌配子體在發育的各階段皆有退化的現象,無法形成正常的胚囊,雌不孕也因此產生。由此推論,玉葉金花的確是一種隱性的雌雄異株。
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Genes in evolution: the control of diversity and speciation
Ann Bot 2010 106: 437-438; doi:10.1093/aob/mcq168.
Loren H. Rieseberg and Benjamin K. Blackman
Speciation genes in plants
Ann Bot 2010 106: 439-455; doi:10.1093/aob/mcq126.
Tianhua He, Byron B. Lamont, Siegfried L. Krauss, and Neal J. Enright
Genetic connectivity and inter-population seed dispersal of Banksia
hookeriana at the landscape scale
Ann Bot 2010 106: 457-466; doi:10.1093/aob/mcq140.
Naofumi Nomura, Tokushiro Takaso, Ching-I Peng, Yoshiko Kono, Kazuo
Oginuma, Yuki Mitsui, and Hiroaki Setoguchi
Molecular phylogeny and habitat diversification of the genus Farfugium
(Asteraceae) based on nuclear rDNA and plastid DNA
Ann Bot 2010 106: 467-482; doi:10.1093/aob/mcq139.
Fabiola Parra, Alejandro Casas, Juan Manuel Penaloza-Ramirez, Aurea C.
Cortes-Palomec, Victor Rocha-Ramirez, and Antonio Gonzalez-Rodriguez
Evolution under domestication: ongoing artificial selection and divergence
of wild and managed Stenocereus pruinosus (Cactaceae) populations in the
Tehuacan Valley, Mexico
Ann Bot 2010 106: 483-496; doi:10.1093/aob/mcq143.
Tao Shi, Hongwen Huang, and Michael S. Barker
Ancient genome duplications during the evolution of kiwifruit (Actinidia)
and related Ericales
Ann Bot 2010 106: 497-504; doi:10.1093/aob/mcq129.
Juan Guo, Yunsheng Wang, Chi Song, Jianfeng Zhou, Lijuan Qiu, Hongwen
Huang, and Ying Wang
A single origin and moderate bottleneck during domestication of soybean
(Glycine max): implications from microsatellites and nucleotide sequences
Ann Bot 2010 106: 505-514; doi:10.1093/aob/mcq125.
Tsutomu Ishimaru, Hideyuki Hirabayashi, Masashi Ida, Toshiyuki Takai,
Yumiko A. San-Oh, Satoshi Yoshinaga, Ikuo Ando, Tsugufumi Ogawa, and
Motohiko Kondo
A genetic resource for early-morning flowering trait of wild rice Oryza
officinalis to mitigate high temperature-induced spikelet sterility at
Ann Bot 2010 106: 515-520; doi:10.1093/aob/mcq124.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
[Review] Determination of sexual organ development
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
[Paper] The gynoecium of male Anchietea pyrifolia (Violaceae): Preserved structure with a new function
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
[Paper] Horizontal Gene Transfer by the Parasitic Plant Striga hermonthica
出處:Science 2010 May 28 328(5982):1128
Thursday, June 24, 2010
[Paper] Orthoptera, a new order of pollinator
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
[Review] Convergent evolution of seed dispersal by ants, and phylogeny and biogeography inflowering plants: A global survey
作者:Szabolcs Lengyel, Aaron D.Gove, Andrew M.Latimer, Jonathan D.Majer, Robert R.Dunn
出處:Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 2010(12): 43-55
摘要:作者review了在開花植物中螞蟻傳播模式的分類、譜系關係及地理分佈的情況。整理後發現此類群植物目前至少有11000種,分布在77個科中,分屬於147個獨立起源事件。主要分布是在澳洲、南非及北溫帶。而種子吸引螞蟻傳播種子主要是受到一種lipid-rich的物質-elaiosome作為reward,作者認為產生elaiosome僅需要低能量的花費即可獲得選擇上的優勢(ex: 種子傳播、保護種子避免被食用及火燒、豐富的微生物環境),可能是影響螞蟻授粉在被子植物中大量演化的原因。
Saturday, June 19, 2010
[Paper] Introducing W.A.T.E.R.S.: a Workflow for the Alignment,Taxonomy, and Ecology of Ribosomal Sequences
出處: BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11: 317
作者提供了一個16S rRNA (主要針對微生物)的軟體分析工具,可以進行sequence alignment、建構譜系樹等。讓微生物生態的研究更為容易、便利。
[Review] LEAFY blossoms
出處: Trends in Plant Science 2010, 15: 346
LEAFY基因在被子植物花的形成扮演相當關鍵的角色。在裸子植物、蕨類和苔蘚中也發現有LFY-like基因,但其功能尚不清楚。作者檢視了近來的研究,提出LFY homologs原始的角色為調節細胞的分裂和排列,而在種子植物中獲得新的功能,如活化繁殖基因網路。
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
[Paper] Small mammal diversity loss in response to late-Pleistocene climatic change
出處: Nature-2010.465.771
Friday, June 11, 2010
[Short Communication] Faster evolution of highly conserved DNA in tropical plants
Source: Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2010) 23 (6): 1327-1330. (Click here to link to the paper)
本篇比較45對分布於熱帶及溫帶的同屬植物物種的18S演化速率,發現熱帶物種的演化速率平均較溫帶物種的速率高出51%。此結果與同一團隊之前研究同樣材料ITS的結果(Wright et al., 2006)吻合,且兩DNA區域的演化速率呈正相關,說明了此現象也發生在較保守的DNA區域。
Thursday, May 27, 2010
[Paper]Complex distribution patterns, ecology and coexistence of ploidy levels of Allium oleraceum (Alliaceae) in the Czech Republic
多倍體化的現象在植物當中履見不鮮,但是有很少的研究針對多倍體結構與地理親緣上做個連結。本篇文章研究了4347個來自325族群的Allium oleraceum利用flow cytometry及根尖壓片的方式,研究不同來源的多倍體與環境變異間的關係。結果顯示該物種有三種不同的多倍體型,其中以五倍體分佈最廣,四倍體及六倍體較不頻繁。根據分佈的情況,作者推論倍體數的演化應該是由四倍體至五倍體至六倍體的途徑。而不同的倍體數有不同的適應機制,造成複雜的分佈狀況。
[Letter] Genome streamlining in prokaryotes versus eukaryotes
作者: Dag O. Hessen, Punidan D. Jeyasingh, Maurine Neiman and Lawrence J. Weider
出處: Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2010, 25(6), 320-321
長期以來對於真核生物為何要在genome中要保有如此多的沒有功能的序列仍有許多的爭議。本篇作者提出一個演化機制上的解釋,認為氮及磷在營養上的缺乏是促進這些含有高磷的DNA及RNA大量存在的原因。這樣的推論是基於1. 生物的最大生長速率與RNA濃度相關 2. 最大生長速率與genome size有成負相關 3. 生物的生長速率受限於所能獲得的磷及氮。
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
[Website] Datamonkey
這是一個能在線上分析正向選汰(detection of positive selection)的網站,一些分析方法來自於HyPhy package的原始碼。介面還蠻單純的,如果覺得HyPhy用起來太繁雜,可以試試這個網站。這個網站的作者是UC San Diego的一個病毒演化研究團隊。
Sunday, May 9, 2010
[Paper] Biparental plastid inheritance in angiosperms
Source: Journal of Plant Research (2010) 123: 201-206. (Click here to link to the paper)
這篇文章討論為什麼有些被子植物要重新演化出雙親型質體遺傳。在被子植物中,其實有約20%的屬,有所謂的潛在雙親型質體遺傳(potential biparental plastid inheritance, PBPI),其證據來自於雄性生殖細胞中所能偵測到的plastid DNA的比例。不過由於真的直接證據仍然很少,所以實際的比例仍然不知道。對於為什麼被子植物會有雙親型質體遺傳,作者認為最重要的原因應是被子植物希望藉由此機制,挽救有缺陷的質體。
[Paper] Plant distribution in Taiwan
出處:Botanical Studies. 2010. 51. 89. (Click here to link to the paper)
Saturday, April 24, 2010
[Paper] Floral morphs, pollen viability, and ploidy level of Oxalis corymbosa DC. in Taiwan
Thursday, April 22, 2010
[Paper] A Self-Incompatibility System Explains High Male Frequencies in an Androdioecious Plant
Phillyrea angustifolia是一種雄花/兩性異株花 (androdioecy)的植物,理論模式預測,在雄花/兩性異株花的族群裡,雄株的數量一定小於全體的50%,但是野外觀察顯示,在P. angustifolia的族群中,雄株的數量卻常高於50%。本文發現,該植物具有獨特的self-incompatibility system,兩性株分成兩型,第一型 (G1)產生的花粉只能在第二型 (G2)的柱頭上萌發,同樣的,G2的花粉也只能在G1上萌發,而雄株產生的花粉則可以在G1和G2上萌發。也就是說,雄株比起兩性株,確實具有較高的雄性生殖優勢,這一點可以解釋為何P. angustifolia的族群中雄株的頻度會高於理論值。
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
[Paper] Breeding systems and phylogenetic diversity of seed plants along a large-scale elevational gradient
Thursday, March 11, 2010
[Paper] The reducible complexity of a mitochondrial molecular machine
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
[Paper] Complex sex determination in the stinging nettle Urtica dioica
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
[Paper] Botanical symbols: a new symbol set for new images
Thursday, February 11, 2010
[Paper] Cryptic Dioecy in Nyssa Yunnanensis (Nyssaceae), A Critically Endangered Species from Tropical Eastern Asia
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
[Book] Why Evolution is True
Sunday, January 17, 2010
[Paper] Article-Level Metrics and the Evolution of Scientific Impact
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
[Paper] Parthenogenesis Maintains Male Sterility in a Gynodioecious Orchid
Shuang‐Quan Huang,
Yang Lu,
Ying‐Zhuo Chen,
Yi‐Bo Luo, and
Lynda F. Delph
Monday, January 11, 2010
[Paper] Correlated Evolution of Sexual System and Life-History Traits in Mosses
Thursday, January 7, 2010
[Paper] The evolution and ecology of masquerade
Masquerade照字面有假裝、化妝、冒充與假面舞會的意思。根據這篇文章,masquerade在生物學上的定義是,生物的外形藉由偽裝,造成其他生物錯誤的認知,因此增加masquerader的生存優勢。這概念乍看之下與擬態很像,但是本質不同。在擬態的例子中,例如Batesian mimics,被擬態的生物 (model)會因為擬態者的存在,使得掠食者或被掠食者的行為受到改變,而影響其生存。在masquerade的例子中,被模仿的model並不會受到其他生物的影響。像是外形很像鳥糞的蜘蛛 (Ornithoscatoides decipiens),或是外形像樹枝的竹節蟲,都算是masquerade。