最近一期的Cytogenetic and Genome Research以植物染色體的組成、行為及演化為主題, 討論目前相關領域最新的進展。 這篇special issue的內容如下 (我已下載部份pdf檔存於Atropos), 有興趣者可前往參考
Chromosome Organization
An overview of plant chromosome structure
Chromosome landmarks as tools to study the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana
Physical organisation of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in Triticeae: structural, functional and evolutionary implications
Molecular cytogenetics of forest trees
New Technologies
Plant engineered minichromosomes and artificial chromosome platforms
Radiation hybrid (RH) and HAPPY mapping in plants
Special Chromosomes
A cytogenetic view of sex chromosome evolution in plants
The use of repetitive DNA in cytogenetic studies of plant sex chromosomes
Plant sex chromosomes: molecular structure and function
Chromosomes with a life of their own
Meiosis in plants: ten years of gene discovery
Meiotic genes and proteins in cereals
ASY1 coordinates early events in the plant meiotic recombination pathway
The cytogenetics of homologous chromosome pairing in meiosis in plants
Nuclear architecture and chromosome dynamics in the search of the pairing partner in meiosis in plants
Chromosome 'speed dating' during meiosis of polyploid Brassica hybrids and haploids
Chromosome Evolution
Chromosome numbers in plant cytotaxonomy: concepts and implications
Repetitive DNA and chromosomal rearrangements: speciation-related events in plant genomes
Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding
Pathways to doubled haploidy: chromosome doubling during androgenesis
Cytogenetics of Festulolium (Festuca × Lolium hybrids)
The use of cytogenetic tools for studies in the crop-to-wild gene transfer scenario
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