Thursday, June 21, 2007

[Paper] Pollinator shifts drive increasingly long nectar spurs in columbine flowers

June 21st, 2007 by aerobe
作者:Justen B. Whittall & Scott A. Hodges
出處: Nature 2007, 447:706-710
1862年,在解釋石蠶花(Star of Bethlehem,學名:Angraecum sesquipedale)特別長的花距(nectar spur)時,達爾文提出,一種植物
其學名是Xanthopan morgani ssp. Praedicta,它的舌頭長度為22厘米。但這種“競賽”模型仍然存在爭議,因為一種特別長的舌頭也可能會通
過其他方式形成。現在,Justen Whittall和Scott Hodges通過對耬斗菜屬(Aquilegia)植物在一個物種層次上的系統發生進行研究發現,耬斗菜屬的花距的確是在不斷變長,但這種變長是由於一系列可以預測的針對不相關的授粉者的適應性變化,主要集中在物種形成事件期間。在這一案例中,達爾文的“競賽說”看來是成立的。

Friday, June 15, 2007

[Paper] Selection through Female Fitness Helps to Explain the Maintenance of Male flowers

June 15th, 2007 by basa
作者:Mario Vallejo-Marin and Mark D. Rausher
出處:The American Naturalist; 2007; 169; 563-568
pdf file
本文作者的實驗結果支持第二種想法,作者研究一種茄科植物Solanum carolinense,先採集野外植物的種子,在溫室育種並人工篩選出不同PSF (staminate/total flowers)的植株,之後在廢耕的農田建立實驗族群,在花期記錄每個植株開花的性別和數量,測量其他花部特徵和基本資料,然後於果期記錄果實和種子的產量。最後作者操作multivariate analysis去釐清選汰的機制,發現對雌性生殖功能的選擇傾向植株產生更多的雄花。

Thursday, June 7, 2007

[Paper] The ecophysiology of early angiosperms

Feild, T. S. and N. C. Arens. 2007. The ecophysiology of early
angiosperms. Plant, Cell and Environment 30: 291-309. pdf
作者整理了近年的研究進展,對早期被子植物如何在大環境中安身立命,走出黑暗潮溼干擾大的林下環境,進而取代了原有佔領地球的其他植物,做了不少的討論。從生態生理學的角度看演化,特別是水份與碳的利用,還蠻有意思的。Taylor Feild之前有寫了許多相關的文章(如下),有興趣的人可以去看看。
Bateman, R.M., J. Hilton and P.J. Rudall. 2006. Morphological and molecular phylogenetic context of the angiosperms: contrasting the ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ approaches used to infer the likely characteristics of the first flowers. J. Exp. Bot.
57: 3471-3503.

Feild, T. S. and N. C. Arens. 2005. Form, function and environments of the early angiosperms: merging extant phylogeny and ecophysiology with fossils. New Phytologist 166:383-408. (相當經典的一篇review, pdf file here)

Feild, T. S. et al. 2003. The ancestral ecology of angiosperms: Emerging perspectives from extant basal lineages. Intl. J. Pl.
Sci. 164: S129-S142.

Feild, T. S., et al. 2004. Dark and disturbed: a new image of early angiosperm ecology. Paleobiology 30: 82-107.