Monday, November 15, 2010

[Review] Using proteomics to study sexual reproduction in angiosperms

出處: Sexual plant reproduction, 2010
作者: Ja´n A. Miernyk • Anna Pretˇova´ • Adela Olmedilla • Katarı´na Klubicova´ • Bohusˇ Obert • Martin Hajduch


Sunday, November 14, 2010

[Review] Adaptation genomics: the next generation

出處: Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2010, 25: 705-712
作者: Jessica Stapley1, Julia Reger1, Philine G.D. Feulner, Carole Smadja, Juan Galindo1, Robert Ekblom, Clair Bennison, Alexander D. Ball, Andrew P. Beckerman and Jon Slate

此篇review是第一篇整理next generation sequencing(NGS)於genome adaptation應用的文章。現在仍有許多困擾著生態遺傳學家的問題,舉例來說,有多少基因參與適應?當環境狀況改變時,genome適應的改變是否採用已經存在的變異或是必需要有新的突變產生?NGS資料將會協助回答這些難解的問題。

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

[Paper] Mutational dynamics and phylogenetic utility of noncoding chloroplast DNA

Authors: Borsch T and Quandt D
Source: Plant Systematics and Evolution (2009) 282:169-199.
The authors studied the mutational dynamics of introns and spacers in plastid genomes. They reviewed some of the well-known markers and the argued the usage of them for phylogenetic analysis. The bottom line is that the structural information is needed to be incorporated.
Also, they put up an erratum in PSE 2010 284:129. There are some mislabeling in Figure 1.

[Paper] Universal primer for chloroplast trnK/matK

Title: Universal primers for the amplification of the plastid trnK/matK region in land plants
Authors: Susann Wicke & Dietmar Quandt
Source: Anales del Jardin Botanico de Madrid (2009) 66:285-288.
I ran across this small paper talking about new primers for PCR of chloroplast trnK/matK of all land plants. They claimed these work for various land plants. Just try for yourself if you like.