Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The fading field

Title: The fading field - traditional taxonomy
Source: The Scientist
Note: 這篇有關關心分類學的存續的文章,請有心人參考。

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

[Review] Ecology and evolution of plant–pollinator interactions

出處: Annals of botany, 2009, Volume 103, Number 9
摘要: 本期Ann bot為plant-pollinator研究的最新整理報導。題目如下, 有興趣者可參考。
Randall J. Mitchell, Rebecca E. Irwin, Rebecca J. Flanagan, and Jeffrey D. Karron
Ecology and evolution of plant–pollinator interactions 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1355-1363
Kazuharu Ohashi and James D. Thomson
Trapline foraging by pollinators: its ontogeny, economics and possible consequences for plants 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1365-1378
Jeffrey D. Karron, Karsten G. Holmquist, Rebecca J. Flanagan, and Randall J. Mitchell
Pollinator visitation patterns strongly influence among-flower variation in selfing rate 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1379-1383

Yoshiaki Kameyama and Gaku Kudo
Flowering phenology influences seed production and outcrossing rate in populations of an alpine snowbed shrub, Phyllodoce aleutica: effects of pollinators and self-incompatibility 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1385-1394

Robert J. Whelan, David J. Ayre, and Fiona M. Beynon
The birds and the bees: pollinator behaviour and variation in the mating system of the rare shrubGrevillea macleayana
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1395-1401
Randall J. Mitchell, Rebecca J. Flanagan, Beverly J. Brown, Nickolas M. Waser, and Jeffrey D. Karron
New frontiers in competition for pollination
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1403-1413  

Carlos M. Herrera, Clara de Vega, Azucena Canto, and María I. Pozo
Yeasts in floral nectar: a quantitative survey
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1415-1423 

Rebecca E. Irwin
Realized tolerance to nectar robbing: compensation to floral enemies in Ipomopsis aggregata 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1425-1433

Judith L. Bronstein, Travis Huxman, Brianna Horvath, Michael Farabee, and Goggy Davidowitz
Reproductive biology of Datura wrightii: the benefits of a herbivorous pollinator  
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1435-1443  

Diego P. Vázquez, Nico Blüthgen, Luciano Cagnolo, and Natacha P. Chacoff
Uniting pattern and process in plant–animal mutualistic networks: a review 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1445-1457

Martina Stang, Peter G. L. Klinkhamer, Nickolas M. Waser, Ingo Stang, and Eddy van der Meijden
Size-specific interaction patterns and size matching in a plant–pollinator interaction web  
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1459-1469
Jeff Ollerton, Ruben Alarcón, Nickolas M. Waser, Mary V. Price, Stella Watts, Louise Cranmer, Andrew Hingston, Craig I. Peter, and John Rotenberry
A global test of the pollination syndrome hypothesis 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1471-1480  

Nathan Muchhala, Angelica Caiza, Juan Carlos Vizuete, and James D. Thomson
A generalized pollination system in the tropics: bats, birds and Aphelandra acanthus  
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1481-1487  

Boris O. Schlumpberger, Andrea A. Cocucci, Marcela Moré, Alicia N. Sérsic, and Robert A. Raguso
Extreme variation in floral characters and its consequences for pollinator attraction among populations of an Andean cactus 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1489-1500  

Jeff Ollerton, Siro Masinde, Ulrich Meve, Mike Picker, and Andrew Whittington
Fly pollination in Ceropegia (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae): biogeographic and phylogenetic perspectives 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1501-1514  

Jannice Friedman and Spencer C. H. Barrett
Wind of change: new insights on the ecology and evolution of pollination and mating in wind-pollinated plants 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1515-1527 
W. Scott Armbruster, Thomas F. Hansen, Christophe Pélabon, Rocío Pérez-Barrales, and Johanne Maad
The adaptive accuracy of flowers: measurement and microevolutionary patterns 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1529-1545  

Jeffrey K. Conner, Heather F. Sahli, and Keith Karoly
Tests of adaptation: functional studies of pollen removal and estimates of natural selection on anther position in wild radish 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1547-1556  

Diane R. Campbell
Using phenotypic manipulations to study multivariate selection of floral trait associations 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1557-1566  

Johanne Brunet
Pollinators of the Rocky Mountain columbine: temporal variation, functional groups and associations with floral traits 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1567-1578  
Marcelo A. Aizen, Lucas A. Garibaldi, Saul A. Cunningham, and Alexandra M. Klein
How much does agriculture depend on pollinators? Lessons from long-term trends in crop production 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1579-1588  
Eric Lonsdorf, Claire Kremen, Taylor Ricketts, Rachael Winfree, Neal Williams, and Sarah Greenleaf
Modelling pollination services across agricultural landscapes 
Ann Bot 2009 103: 1589-1600