Sunday, January 3, 2010

[Paper] Pollination mode and life form strongly affect the relation between mating system and pollen to ovule ratios

作者:Stefan G. Michalski and Walter Durka
出處:New Phytologist. 2009. 183. 470.
Pollen to ovule ratio (P-O ratio; 花粉-胚株比)常被認為與植物的異交程度 (outcrossing rate)有關,換句話說,P-O ratio越大可能暗示了植物比較傾向outcrossing。但是除了mating system,P-O ratio也可能與其他因子有關,例如pollination mode (e.g. Biotic or Abiotic)或life form (e.g. woody or herbaceous)。本文檢視了P-O ratio與outcrossing rate, pollination mode與life form之間的關係。結果發現,在風煤傳粉的植物中,P-O ratio的確與outcrossing rate成正比,但是這樣的關係在動物傳粉的植物中並不明顯,另外,木本植物比起草本植物具有較高的P-O ratio,且木本植物的P-O ratio不隨著outcrossing rate而變化。這些結果顯示,pollination mode與life form對P-O ratio的影響可能比outcrossing rate還要大。

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